Pierce Radecki face

Welcome to my website.

I am a bioinformatician and computational biologist trained as a biomedical engineer.

Research-wise, I have worked on projects relating to virus evolution, sequencing and genomics, algorithm development, RNA structure, machine learning and statistics, virology, and nanoparticle optimization. My Ph.D. dissertation was advised by Dr. Sharon Aviran at UC Davis. The About page has more information about research projects.

I have also made contributions in teaching, especially at UC Davis. In 2020, I was named the Dr. Ronald J. Smith Distinguished Teaching Fellow in Quantitative Biology by the UC Davis College of Biological Sciences. More information about my teaching is available on the CV page.

I'm currently supported as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Virus Persistence and Dynamics Section (Dr. Eli Boritz) at the Vaccine Research Center of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID/NIH). I am always interested in opportunities to contribute to research as a computational biologist, especially in projects related to genomic data mining and algorithm development. I'm also interested in opportunities for instruction and teaching of quantitative biology. E-mail me or go the the Contact page!